Class 1
WELCOME, WHO’S WHO Miss Evans – Class Teachers Mrs Clarke – Teaching Assistant Mrs Rich - Teaching Assistant
Our Class Saint is St. Francis of Assisi
Forest School - every Monday afternoon until half term. PE kits need to worn every Wednesday. Children should be reading at home at least 3 times per week in Year 1.
In Year 1 our children will experience a more structured environment which will continue to develop their independence and resilience. The children are encouraged to take on new challenges and have greater responsibility within the school, for example, with class jobs.
TOPIC OVERVIEW FOR THE YEAR Geography Our Country – We will explore the UK by looking at individual countries, capital cities, human and physical features along with comparing and contrasting the capital cities of London and Brasilia.
Our School – We will explore our school environment using first hand observation and experience to enhance their awareness along with essential map skills and fieldwork.
Beside the Seaside - We will learn about seaside environments; finding out where they are located in the United Kingdom using maps and aerial photographs. We will learn about the similarities and differences between seaside resorts and our own locality, looking at how resorts have changed over time.
History Kings and Queens – The Kings and Queens unit will teach the children about the significant British monarchs in history, and gives a more in-depth study of Richard III as well as asking the children to draw comparisons between Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria.
Nurturing Nurses – We will learn about the influential nurses Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. We will establish what makes a person significant, compare the lives and work of these nurses and consider how these individuals have influenced nursing today.
Toys - This unit will teach the children about popular toys through the 20th century and the early 21st century. The children will develop a range of historical skills such as: asking and answering questions, identifying and interpreting different sources and recognising change and exploring how this influences them today. |