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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School & Pre School, Droitwich

Get in touch

Lunch Menus


From September 2022 our hot food provider has changed to The Spire Learning Trust and will be prepared and cooked at Witton Middle School and delivered daily. All lunches should be ordered on ParentPay in advance by Wednesday for the next day (Thursday) to the following Wednesday. Menus are on ParentPay and paid meals are charged at £2.50. Parents are given individual log-ins for ParentPay and are available from the school office.


All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Students are entitled to a free meal each day. This still needs to be ordered online but no charge will be made. All families should remember to cancel meals online if their child is not in school for that day. 


Free School Meals


Free school meals are available to children whose parents receive Income Support.

The following link will direct you to the Citizens Portal where you can apply for free school meals and receive an immediate answer. Again, meals need to be ordered online in the normal way, but no charge will be made.

School will be notified by Worcestershire County Council if you are eligible and please be assured your child will not be identified as "free school meals" and all children receive the same food service.


Please follow this link to the Citizens Portal 



Click the file below to see the Spring Term menus
