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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School & Pre School, Droitwich

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Updated Late/Absence Procedures



If you arrive after 08.40am, it is necessary to come to the school office to sign your child in as the morning session will have started. Children can then enter the school this way. This is important to ensure your child is registered in the correct way. 


It is essential that an adult accompanies a child to the school office arriving after 08.40am.

Absence / Illness


If your child is going to be absent parents should telephone the school office and leave a message by 09.30am at the latest. Children arriving after 9.30am without a valid reason will be marked as 'unauthorised absence.' Please note you must press # after recording your message to save it. Alternatively you can send a written note/email or online submission notification below to confirm absence.


If a child is absent over a longer period of illness, a doctor’s note may be requested.

The Government threshold for “persistent absenteeism” is now set 90% attendance.  Should pupils’ attendance fall below this, families will be notified via a letter from the Principal.

It is essential you contact the school each day your child is off to ensure our records are accurate and up to date. 


Any unexplained absences will result in a telephone call from the school office to ascertain the reason for absence. 


Please remember to cancel any pre-ordered dinners if your child is absent otherwise you maybe charged for meals not taken. 


The new agreed Emmaus MAC policy provides greater information on the procedures on how attendance is managed across the Academy in line with new national guidance from the DfE.

Unplanned Absence Notification Form

The form below is for notifying the school of any unplanned absences (e.g. sickness). Please remember that you must notify us on each day your child is absent. For sickness & diarrhoea, children can not return until they have been clear for a minimum of 48 hours. Please ensure the child's name and class are included in the body of the message. The form should not be used for planned leave of absence (e.g. holidays), this must be notified using the correct form.

Leaving school during school day


Where possible, we would prefer appointments to be made outside of the school day. However, should you wish to collect your child for an appointment during the school day, please notify the school office in advance via email or telephone. Proof of any appointments will be required. 




Details of school holidays are sent home regularly or may be obtained from the school office or from this website.

Holidays will not be authorised in term time.  In exceptional circumstances, absence is allowed at the Principal's discretion.  A leave of absence form is available from the school office and is required for any time off school other than medical appointments.  Leave of absence forms require parents to state destinations and reasons why they have to be taken during term time.  We promote 100% attendance and punctuality.  Children are in school 190 days per year and not in school for 175 days, so we do discourage taking any more time out than is absolutely necessary.


The form below should be used for any planned absences.

Request for time off during term time.
