Welcome from the Principal
On behalf of the directors, governors, staff and pupils, I would like to warmly welcome you to St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School. I hope your visit to our website is informative and gives you an insight into the learning which takes place.
We have recently updated our school mission statement, which encompasses the values we believe are strong for us, as well as taking from the qualities of our Patron Saint – Joseph:
‘Following St Joseph, we grow closer to Jesus through our hard work, perseverance and kindness.’
Our school is unique in that it is the only primary school set in the historic town of Droitwich and we are fortunate to have lovely grounds, including two forest school sites. Many of the children stay with us until the end of Year 6 when they transfer to Blessed Edward Oldcorne College in Worcester. We pride ourselves on maintaining creativity and memorable experiences alongside implementing the rigour of the National Curriculum.
We offer a high quality, broad and balanced curriculum within our Catholic setting. We welcome children from the Catholic faith, other faiths and from families of no denomination. We recognise the uniqueness of each child and place a strong emphasis on getting to know and understand the needs of each individual. We are proud of our caring and inclusive ethos and the happy, calm environment in which our children learn. We have high expectations of learning and behaviour for each child and aim to encourage them to achieve their full potential in all they do – in their work, play and spiritual development.
From 1st September 2024, St. Joseph's has joined the well-established Catholic Multi Academy Company named Emmaus along with three other Catholic schools in Worcestershire. This is a wonderful opportunity for all stakeholders to continue to develop and grow within the framework of Catholic education supported by the Diocesan Education Service. Emmaus was originally formed on 1st October 2014 which was know then as St. Nicholas Owen CMAC. I was the Principal of St. Joseph's in Stourbridge during this time of formation and continued to support in its growth until December 2022. It is a real privilege to have been given the opportunity to work with colleagues again within Emmaus as the Principal of St. Joseph's in Droitwich Spa, a well-respected school within the local community, to support in the next chapter of its journey.
Our Catholic Church in Droitwich, Sacred Heart and St Catherine of Alexandria, is adorned with mosaics and we believe that each individual is like a mosaic piece- beautiful on its own but when put within the rest of the Body of Christ, working as part of a team, each individual contributes to an even more spectacular whole. We work closely with the parish in preparing the children to receive their sacraments and we have strong relationships with our parents. The Governors are very supportive of our school and have high expectations of all stakeholders to provide the very best for our pupils.
I hope you enjoy browsing our website, we are always happy to welcome visitors to our school; should you like to arrange a visit, please contact the school office to make an appointment.
Thank you and God bless.
Mr A Carry