At St Joseph’s, we are committed to the engaging and focussed delivery of Mathematics across the age ranges and curriculum. For children to access the majority of their learning in Maths, a strong and confident grasp of the four number operations is important; using formal and informal written methods and mental strategies.
We use concrete apparatus and pictorial representations to develop deep, conceptual understanding of mathematical ideas. Concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) concepts should not be confused as differentiation for lower, middle, higher attaining children. CPA is an approach to be used with the whole class and teachers promote each area as equally valid. The abstract should run alongside the concrete and pictorial stage as this enables pupils to better understand mathematical statements and concepts.
We aim, as much as possible to give all children in class access to the same learning, with differentiation being primarily through support, scaffolding and deepening, as opposed to task.
Consistency in language is essential for pupils to understand the concepts presented in mathematics. A glossary of some of the vocabulary can be found at the end of the calculation policies.
The New National Curriculum for Mathematics was published on 11th September 2013 and is available to download:
We have found the CanDoMaths Calculation Policy and National Curriculum Progression suit the needs of our children and we use the CanDoMaths Resources in a Maths Mastery approach The Calculation Policy and National Curriculum Progression can be found below