Our new buildings
Following the devastating fire in the early hours of 25th January 2021, the damage was so severe that part of the school had to be demolished. Our Pre-school, Reception and Year 1 classrooms were the worst affected. Year 2 and 3 were refurbished during the summer holidays 2021.
The rebuild programme started in October 2021 and finished during the summer holidays 2022. We moved into the new classrooms in September 2022.
Building plans
An eco report on the new building
As you may know, we are having a new Preschool, Reception and Yr1 building.
We have asked Chris, an architect working on the build, a few questions so we all know how eco-friendly the new area will be.
An ecologist first came and surveyed the area, to see whether we would disturb any wildlife around the school, such as newts, badgers, foxes and bats. He was happy we wouldn’t disturb anything, but advised us that we needed to put up a couple of bat boxes.
To make it more environmentally friendly, the new building will be thoroughly insulated, to keep heat in, and will be highly ventilated, so air-conditioning is not needed. All the windows and doors will be double-glazed and positioned to let in as much natural light as possible, meaning less artificial light is needed. LED lights, which are motion-activated, will also be used, as they are more power-efficient than normal lighting.
The plasterboard, flooring, and aluminium window frames are all made with recycled materials.
Lots of the power used will be supplied from the solar panels, which will be mounted on the roof.
The new build will be 15-20% more efficient than before, and will be 20% cheaper to run than the previous building.
By Dillan and Emeline- Green Ambassadors (Year 6)