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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School & Pre School, Droitwich

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Enriching and Extending Learning

In addition to the compulsory National Curriculum Programmes of Study, the school has a comprehensive programme of enrichment activities. 


These include:


  • Residential trips (Year 6)
  • A programme of day trips, visits and visitors in every year group to enrich our learning
  • Clubs and groups that meet at lunchtimes or after school
  • Music tuition with Rocksteady(an extra charge is payable for this) - currently suspended because of space implications
  • Bikeability training (Year 5)
  • Bellboating (Year 4)
  • Specialist coaches for certain PE lessons
  • Themed Days including World Book Day/ World Religion Day/ Cultural Day
  • Inter school activities with the local cluster of schools and the local Catholic Schools in Worcester
  • A planned transition to Secondary School, with aided transition for vulnerable pupils
  • Community days: summer fair, Christmas Fair, Popcorn Club, Craft clubs,
  • Wraparound care, before and after school