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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School & Pre School, Droitwich

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Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

A Welcome From the Chair


I have been a Foundation Governor since January 2020. My three sons have attended or are still at St Joseph’s and my daughter will no doubt follow in their footsteps when she is old enough. I welcomed the opportunity to support the management and development of a school which provides a caring and nurturing environment for all the pupils. My early career was spent within the NHS and later within the private sector in finance, I currently am working in the renewable energy sector. I started as Chair of Governors in September 2022 and I am continually striving to support and challenge the school to deliver an outstanding education; which nurtures each child’s spiritual pilgrimage and their mental and physical well-being. A safe, happy place where children flourish, staff love to work and where parents feel connected with their child’s learning and school life.




Dear Parents and Carers


What do the Governors do?


The governing body is a dedicated group of volunteers, nearly all of whom are current parents, who are responsible for holding the school’s leaders to account for the achievement, behaviour and safety of every single one of our pupils. 


How do we do it?


We do this at the full governors meetings, which are held once a term; and through a number of committee meetings, which report back to the full governing body.  In addition to these meetings individual governors will visit the school to perform observational “learning walks” with members of the senior teaching staff.


Our mandate


In 2020, the Department for Education published its Governor Handbook, within which, governing bodies were strongly encouraged to “focus on three core strategic functions:

1.    Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

2.    Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff

3.    overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent”


Our Faith


As a Catholic school, we are also accountable to the Archdiocese of Birmingham. The foundation governors ensure that the school maintains and develops the ethos of the Catholic Faith.


Contact details


If you are interested in any aspect of governance, would like to contact the governing body or are interested in becoming a Governor, please make contact via the school office on 01905 773572 or e-mail the Clerk to Governors; Nicky Lamb on her email


On behalf of the governing body of St Joseph’s, thank you for your support.


Best wishes

Frank Walker

Chair of Governors

According to our Instrument of Government, the Governing Body shall consist of:


  1. Eight Foundation Governors
  2. Two Parent Governors
  3. One Staff Governor
  4. One Principal
  5. One Co-Opted Governor


Total number of Governors = 13


Governor Committees 


Declaration of Interest of Governors at St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School Academic Year 2023-24

Key: DES Diocesan Education Service

        WCC Worcestershire County Council

Financial Information


  • We have NO employees at our school with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more  