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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School & Pre School, Droitwich

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       Solidarity and the Common Good 


At St. Joseph’s our PE curriculum is balanced, varied and exciting whilst ensuring children develop  fundamental motor skills. This process begins in the Early Years where children are introduced to key  skills such as: running, jumping, co-ordination, balance, agility, throwing and catching. As the children  progress throughout the school, these core skills are then built upon and transferable skills are  developed through traditional sports. Some of the sports we explore are: dance, games, gymnastics,  swimming, and athletics.  


Our children also take park in outdoor adventure activities such as bellboating, orienteering and our residential trips to the Pioneer Centre.


Our P.E. curriculum aims to introduce a variety of fun and engaging activities which inspire the children   to lead active lifestyles beyond school. It also encourages our Sports Crew to develop valuable lifelong coaching and leadership skills whilst nurturing those skills in other pupils.


PE involves thinking, selecting and applying skills, and it promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle. 


During Spring Year 1 and 2 benefit from specialist tennis coaching from an external provider; this not  only nurtures a love for the sport but it also develops excellent levels of hand-eye co-ordination.



We follow a very structured scheme entitled PE Planning, ensuring that progression of skills is evident throughout  the school. 


 Extra-Curricular PE Activities
 At St Joseph’s, we offer a range of extra-curricular activities for all children of all abilities to take part in over the course of the year. They are delivered to different year groups and cover:







Sporting links with Catholic Schools across Worcestershire

 P.E. at St. Joseph’s enables pupils to develop the skills necessary for competitive sport and ensures pupils are ‘high school ready’ by the end of Year 6. We aim to broaden the children’s opportunities in competitive sports   through our links with schools across Worcestershire. At St Joseph’s we work alongside Holy Redeemer who helps encourage our Sports Crew to lead and promote different sporting activities.  Throughout the year, children have the opportunity to partake in Catholic Sport's Events.  These include: Athletics, Football, Netball  and Swimming. 
