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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School & Pre School, Droitwich

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Reading and Phonics

At St Josephs we follow the phonics scheme 'Super Sonic Phonics Friends' - an accredited scheme from the government. 

This is a scheme that starts within our Preschool- where children have the opportunity to develop key skills in listening, saying sounds, hearing sounds, alliteration and rhyme. 

It progresses through the school and currently runs through to our Year 2 children. 


It is a highly engaging programme that allows children to engage with phonic characters, who support them in developing key skills in phonics - focusing on reading, writing and spelling!


Alongside its characters it has engaging rhyming phrases, which encourage children in their learning. As children progress through the scheme, they are supported by matching resources, allowing them to become secure and confident in using resources to help them. These resources and phrases are used throughout school to ensure consistency. 


The scheme follows a specific sound order, starting with 'Firm Foundations 1' in preschool, 'Basics 2 & 3' in Reception, and 'Basics 4 & 5 in Year 1'. We assess the children against the scheme to dictate what the children need to be taught next. 


We identify children who need additional support, and those children receive regular additional support to allow them to 'keep up', not 'catch up'.


The children receive phonics books to read at home. These are matched to what they have been learning, and ensure that they only 'visit' sounds they have experienced through their taught phonics sessions.



Phonics: How to pronounce pure sounds | Oxford Owl

The way that children pronounce the sounds it vitally important. Ensuring that all children, staff, and parents pronounce the sounds in the same way, supports learning.

Glossary of SPAG Terms - English

20 Minute Daily Reading Impact
