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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School & Pre School, Droitwich

Get in touch

Pre School

At St Joseph’s Pre-School, we follow a Creative Curriculum by learning through books, rhymes and poems. We use the Early Years Foundation Stage Guidance to help plan and implement a rich and stimulating learning environment for all. We believe children are unique and so provide a curriculum suited to the needs and interests of the individual child. We provide a challenging and exciting indoor and outdoor learning environment in which to practice and secure skills. We teach through whole class directed activities, provide a range of adult supported activities as well as giving children the time and space to choose, explore and develop individually.

Staff are skilled in observing, assessing and extending children’s progress and work alongside the children as they play. We provide a safe and secure learning environment which encourages children to experiment in the knowledge that their ideas are important and valued. Most importantly we believe that if children feel happy and safe they will learn naturally.

We offer child care places of 15hrs and 30hrs to children from the term after their 3rd birthday.


We welcome and encourage visits to Pre-school. Please contact Mrs Sweeney, our Pre School Manager for further information. 


If you wish to apply for a Pre School place, please complete all of the documentation below. Alternatively, these are available from the school office. 

